Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Starting things off...

Well I just wanted to catch everyone up thus far.... We are all either sick right now or getting over it. At least we share really well as a family! Can I just tell you that when mom gets sick when there are birthday treats to be made, valentine's to be written and parties to be planned, it really sets things up for an awful disaster? By the grace, and only by the grace of God above, we made it through last week! Cody made it to 4 years old, in lieu of all of my threats! The boys' friends received Valentine treats, and we had a huge bash for Cody on Saturday that was just a smaller people version of a frat party! LOL Instead of cleaning up half drank beers with my big trash bag, I was gathering up half drank juice boxes and random sancks! In places I still don't understand! LOL Like I said, it took me back about 10 years to college... LOL It was a great time though and I really enjoyed it!
Nathan is really trying to catch up to his bigger predecessors! He started therapy with goals of being able to stand and crawl by May! He is already crawling after only 2 weeks of therapy and excercises! I will admit to you all openly that I am perfectly happy with him just sitting there playing contently and not getting into things he shouldn't be.. our lil Tressin (Cory's cousins' baby whom I watch) makes me so grateful every day that Nathan isn't on the prowl yet! She is busy enough for both of them! I can only imagine what the dynamics will be in about 1 or 2 months! LOL He is getting happier every day, which I say that knowing the crabby screaming baby that I knew for the first 9 months of his life! He is learning new things every day and currently his favorite thing to do is clap and shake his head around and laugh and make funny noises! And he loves to yell for his "dada" at all times of the day! I would also like to note that this awesome baby goes to sleep around 8 and sleeps until almost 7 every day! And still takes 2 hefty naps during the day! Woohoo Nater!
Cody is amazing us regularly with his new skills and at his teacher conference last week, she told us that he blows her away with how much he knows and comprehends at such a yound age! I hear ya sister! LOL He is not going to be left in the dirt by anyone! Least of all Wyatt! He is fun because he can hold his own with the big boys, and master the transformation of any Transformer faster than I can, and 5 minutes later he can hit the floor and entertain the babies in only a way that he can! He is still my one that stays back when brought into a group, takes it all in, gathers his mental info, then slowly goes in and gets to work! Then watch out! Prepare for some of the best laughs you have had! He is not one that tries to go out and be funny, he just is!
Wyatt wyatt wyatt..... LOL He is the leader of our pack for sure! When i was down sick last weeke I had someone come on Friday since I called in and couldn't even keep my eyes open. He took as much charge as she would let him and he ran the day, all the way from telling her the routine, to mealtimes, to reading them books at naptime! He even showed her how to work the remote while he went and did his reading time. I am so gald he had the day off from school! He is so responsible even though he has some crazy relapses where I wonder if anything has ever sunk in! Friday he proved that he is really gathering alot of it and knows how to apply it when it matters! I just love him! He is still reading at the top of his class, and he about drives me crazy as there isn't much he can't read or spell these days! LOL He and I are reading Farmer Boy, a Laura Ingalls book, and I have to make him lie down while I am reading or he reads past me and starts talking about it, a few paragraphs ahead of me! Super frustrating! LOL But sometimes funny! He is playing basketball again this year and had really improved since last year! Even made a shot on his first try this season! He still doesn't have near the comptetiveness of his lil bro Cody, but he loves the sport.. I guess the other thigns come later. He only started getting a lil more competitive in baseball this summer.. It'll be interesting to see what this next summer brings! I love watching it all unfold though! He is really an amazing big brother. Nathan is really trying hard to say his name, and you can only imagine how that impresses Wyatt! LOL He just got to get his metal expander out of his mouth this week, and his grin is about as cute as gets with all those new big teeth in there! Cody can't wait until the tooth fairy comes to see him! There are benefits to being the oldest! That and having some new clothes! LOL
Cory is still wroking for Shamrock Foods and his schedule changed a bit back in January. He is gone for a couple of days at a time, more when there is bad weather, but we are all adjusting and Cody is the one who has the hardest time with it, and the one who doesn't let Cory out of his sight while he is home! It is less commuting for him and I think he likes that!
I am still just hanging out with the kiddos. I love my group and don't expect any change any time soon. I have great families and am truly blessed! I am trying to get my organized and feel like that might be a never ending job! LOL
Well, i am excited to keep this updated and keep everyone we don't see very often, in the loop!
Hope everyone is doing great!